Build with the simple bear necessities ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

755 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 6
755 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 6

Winners are announced.

starts on:
May 30, 2023, 01:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jul 05, 2023, 12:00 AM UTC (UTC)


Prize Descriptions

Click on the images to read more about each challenge.

Moonbeam Foundation Grand Prizes

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2 winners of $7,500 each

The Moonbeam Foundation is dedicated to promoting the development, growth, and adoption of Moonbeam and its ecosystem. With these prizes, the foundation would like to recognize projects that stand to make significant contributions to the Moonbeam ecosystem. The Moonbeam Foundation Grand Prizes are awarded to projects that excel in all 4 categories of judging criteria:

  • Technical Excellence
  • User Experience
  • Value proposition
  • Creativity

There are no additional requirements for this bounty.

Best Use of a Moonbeam Precompile

1 winner of $5,000

Moonbeam has a variety of precompiles (solidity interfaces) that offer powerful features yet are easy to use. As a few examples:

  • The Batch Precompile allows you to combine multiple transactions such as an approval + a swap transaction into a single atomic call.
  • The Call Permit precompile enables a user to sign a message approving any EVM call which can then be dispatched via Biconomy.
  • Additionally, Moonbeam has a number of precompiles that expose Substrate functionality such as Democracy, Staking, and more.

Use any Moonbeam Precompile in an non-trivial way to qualify for this bounty. If multiple qualifying submissions are received, the highest scoring qualifying project as determined by the judges will be awarded the prize. A full list of Moonbeam Precompiles is available here.

Connect the World with Chainlink

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5 winners of $2,000 each

Build something awesome using Chainlink! Anything that came from the Chainlink Documentation counts, such as using Price Feeds, VRF, or Automation.

  • Chainlink Automation enables conditional execution of your smart contracts functions. Define the business rules, the trigger and what will happen.
  • Chainlink VRF is the verifiable, tamper-proof random number generator for blockchain gaming and NFT projects. Any smart contract can get random values without compromising security or usability.
  • Chainlink Proof of Reserve Feeds provides the status of the reserves for several assets in the same way as Price Feeds.
  • Chainlink NFT Floor Pricing Feeds provides a conservative and risk averse floor price estimate for an NFT collection.
  • Chainlink Data Feeds are the quickest way to connect your smart contracts to the real-world data such as asset prices, reserve balances, and L2 sequencer health.

To be eligible, the project should make use of Chainlink to make a state change on the blockchain to be eligible. It can be any Chainlink services. Nice to have: how you use Chainlink in the project description. It must be possible for the judges to find the Chainlink use in your code. Only the intention to use is not valid. You must present your project for the Chainlink judges! Projects whose team does not present will not be evaluated.

We will look at the following criteria:

  • UI/UX/DX - How useful is your application? Is it visually appealing?
  • Blockchain technology application - How valuable this project is for decentralization and adoption of Blockchain and Web3
  • Wow Factor - Anything not covered above! This is if you blow us away in some other way.

Launch on StellaSwap's New IDO Platform

enter image description here

10 winners of $1,000 each

StellaSwap is awarding up to 10 prizes of $1,000 to each project that lists itself on StellaSwap's new IDO platform. If more than 10 qualifying projects are submitted, the top 10 highest scoring qualifying projects as determined by the judges will be awarded the prizes.

Build a Substrate/EVM NFT Indexer

enter image description here

Up to $5,000

Multiple winners are possible depending on quality of submissions. In the event of multiple winners, the $5,000 prize pool will be split between the winners at the discretion of SubQuery

Create a SubQuery project that indexes ERC721 NFTs from Moonbeam, Moonriver, Astar, and Shiden. This must use SubQuery’s multi chain indexing solution Please visit the Bounty Description on the Subquery Github for more information.

The judges will be looking for completion of the following user stories:

As a user, I would like to view the following attributes of all NFTs from Moonbeam, Moonriver, Astar, and Shiden in a GraphQL request:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Collection
  • Price
  • Owner

You can find a sample GraphQL query here - this is presented just as a sample, your solution does not need to match it exactly.

Build a dApp with the Biconomy SDK

enter image description here

One 1st Place Winner of $3,000

Two Runner-Up Winners of $1,000 each

The Biconomy SDK is a one-stop solution to enable an effortless experience in your dApp as it eases onboarding for new users and abstracts away transaction complexities that that they would otherwise face. This is enabled using Smart Contract Wallets (SCW) built on top of our multi-chain Relayer Infrastructure. We want to see you build what you are passionate about and leverage the SDK while doing so. Here are some problem statements that may help you brainstorm new ideas-

  1. Using the Biconomy SDK build dApps with one-click batched transactions for everyday transactions in web3. For inspiration, check out this 1-click DeFi recipe that uses the Biconomy SDK. How can you leverage different 1-click experiences in your usage of different protocols? Perhaps there are 1-click experiences you would like to see in gaming, web3 social, defi, or NFT marketplaces. Don’t limit yourself to one protocol! Can you combine multiple protocols into a unified UI for batched transactions? Learn more about this here in our docs
  2. Onboarding users who are not native to web3 can be a hassle. To maximize the number of users on your platform, you may want an easy onboarding process for users not native to Web3. Leverage our Social Login modules for easy wallet creation and/or use our Paymaster service to help sponsor transactions in your dApp for a gasless experience within your dApps.

Note that the underlying core of this infra is the SCW & the Bundlers, so using that is mandatory to be eligible for the bounty. Other features like Social login & paymasters aren't mandatory to be included, however, adding these may make your dApp experience better and thus increase your chances to win!

Get started building any of your ideas much faster by utilizing our hacker starter kit templates available on GitHub!

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